Wednesday 10 November 2010

Bug Salad!

I love living in London. There are so many fun places to go and to eat! I recently rounded off the late night Jack the Ripper tour of Whitechapel with a meal at Archipelago Restaurant in West London.

Archepelago specialise in exotic dining and they certainly mean it. The menu includes crocodile, kangaroo, zebra, scorpion and many other fantastic and unusual dishes! It was a great experience to try something different.

For my starter I ate crocodile. It tasted like chicken but had the texture of fish. It was delicious and I would highly recommend it! Just don’t think about it being a crocodile! For my main I had a wilderbeast curry. That too was out of this world! It reminded me of lamb or game and didn’t seem too hardcore really as it was kind of similar to stuff we have here. It was cool to say I gave it a try though! My side salad of locusts and crickets marinated in chilli and garlic was the most daring I got! Though, I drew the line at chocolate covered scorpions for desert.

However the atmosphere, setting and delicious delicacies have made me want to go back soon. I tried Mr One Piece’s zebra main and think I may order that next time... possibly with scorpion for desert!

Check out their website at

Also, if you haven’t been on the Jack the Ripper tour that is worth looking into especially if you love history and a bit of a fright! My tour was conducted by a Beefeater from the Tower of London so he was full of stories, facts and jokes too!

Check out their website at:

The photo of my salad was taken by my very good friend Rene Ehrhardt. Check out his photos at and

Much love,

One Piece xxx

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